Is Creating Written Content for Your New Website Giving You Nightmares?

Is Creating Written Content for Your New Website Giving You Nightmares?

Are you creating a new website for your business? Is getting the written content together causing you sleepless nights? You’re not alone. In web design projects, written content frequently gets left until late in the process – often because, despite the very best of intentions, clients struggle with drafting their own copy.

Can’t Do Spelling or Grammar? Don’t Let It Stop You Writing! The Case for Engaging an Editor

Can’t Do Spelling or Grammar? Don’t Let It Stop You Writing! The Case for Engaging an Editor

Many people are put off writing – whether for business or pleasure – because they’re not confident with spelling and grammar. But they shouldn’t be. Spelling and grammar are not writing; they’re simply sets of rules and conventions; tools to aid communication between writer and reader. Even if you’re a bit shaky about them, it shouldn’t prevent you from expressing yourself through the written word.